Project Telos
By Omega Racer
Telos, from the Greek τέλος for “end”, “purpose”, or “goal”) is an end or purpose. It is the root of the term “teleology,” roughly the study of purposiveness, or the study of objects with a view to their aims, purposes, or intentions.
Project Telos. A bike born out of a dream to create something out of what we have learnt through our experiences, desires and, of course, our failures.
A first foray into a complete bike produced by Omega Racer, with parts used from our own catalogue and ideas rising from the depths of our own, slighly confused, highly misled, and often over-influenced minds.
Here is the story of the SR400 known as TELOS.
The beginning...
In early 2013, 2 years after the start of the first Omega Racer blog, things were going great. Sales were improving through the blog month on month and it really seemed that my dream of combining my love for motorcycles with a full-time employment solution could really happen.
As time moved on, I realised that it was becoming not only a potential idea, but a real possibility that I could purchase another SR and create a project bike in order to showcase not only the parts that is able to offer, but also my own creativity in developing my (sometimes uncontrollably wild) ideas into a real project bike.
After quite a lot of research I managed to find a great, original SR500 in Germany, bought it, and shipped it to Italy, where the development process could begin…
Obviously, living in Thailand full time, I had to find a way to realize my dream from afar. That’s where my friend Thomas and his hobby wrenchmonkey crew RU Motors (Sca, Pupa, Willi and Ivi) came in and offered their time and skills on the altar of the Ultimate Purpose.
My job was to find worthy parts and ship them from Thailand to South Tyrol (in northern Italy). The idea was to build a sleek, light and puroseful racer. I selected many aluminium parts, including tank, seat cowl, sidecovers, fairing and a beautiful aluminium swing arm.
As you probably already know, building a bike is never a straightforward job. It’s a combintion of skills, adaptability and a good dose of patience. Telos had its fair share of problems, but they were all dealt with efficiently by Thomas and his friends. Originally, the plan was to give it a fairing, but in the end we decided to keep the naked look.
It’s been almost 18 months since we started and we’re now very close to the finishing line. Granted, none of us is a professional bike builder and we all have our day jobs and families that keep us busy, and this is our first project bike. Despite all our shortcomings and restrictions, we’re all very happy with the result.